Cross-culture Program
In Cross-Cultural Communication, students gain a broad overview of concepts and techniques designed to develop their practice of cross-cultural communication, that is, their ability to use the whole self skillfully as an instrument of communication. The skills of cross-cultural practice are interwoven throughout the course as students gain and apply knowledge actively in discussions, skill practices, case studies, simulations, and role-plays.
The course aims to build on the students’ background and develop a “baseline” of skills, knowledge, and competence to increase their self-awareness and enhance their effectiveness as practitioners of conflict resolution in cross-cultural situations.
To fulfill the requirements of this course, students will achieve the following learning outcomes:
• Explain how cultural expectations influence perceptions, behavior, and responses to others.
• List and explain models for understanding culture, cultural factors, as well as paradoxes that affect intercultural understanding.
• Describe one’s own cultural assumptions and practices; gain awareness of those of others.
• Use communication skills for managing cross-cultural interactions effectively

Apply tools for using one’s lived experience as an opportunity to develop one’s whole self as an instrument of communication.
One of the goals of the course is to develop deeper self-awareness in the students, so that they become more mindful professionals in the work they do. They can develop mindfulness by becoming more aware of self, other and the relationship between and amongst their colleagues, friends, family members and other individuals and groups of people. An element of this awareness is cross-cultural sensitivity, skills and overall competence in being able to effectively and appropriately communicate across cultures. This is especially relevant for their work as third party interveners with people from cultures other than their own. The interventions they use and how they communicate needs to be culturally appropriate in order for them to build trust and effectively manage these disputes.
1. Pre-course assignment: Students will
• Reflect on the Who Am I? Questionnaire (K. Pearce) that poses questions regarding conflict, listening, curiosity, and facilitation and will be available through IESC;
• Write a 2-page self-introductory paper about themselves in relation to their identity, attitude toward differences, and current work/future aspirations.
2. Active class participation:
Classes are primarily experiential with role-plays, simulations, feedback opportunities, and other activities depending on the topic. Students are expected to participate actively. Quality of contributions is more important than quantity and demonstrating awareness of the needs of the other members of the class, the group dynamics, and how well the students manage themselves with others in this context will be assessed. The course activities can be used as opportunities for reflection and learning. Attendance is mandatory at all class sessions.
3. Self-reflective scholarly learning journal:
The learning journal documents what you learned in the course. The journal should integrate the theoretical concepts that you have derived from the reading (please be specific; include author, chapter and page references using APA format), your in-class experience, and the application of these concepts to your personal and professional life.
4. Final paper:
Students are expected to apply the concepts they have learned in class and through the readings to a case they identify as in need of greater cross-cultural sensitivity. They will analyze the case according to the principles covered in the class material and discussions; surface the unsatisfied needs that should be addressed in order to foster change in the quality of the relationship; and make recommendations for the people in the case study scenario. These cases can be from the student’s own experience, from a movie or book.