Experienced international agents would agree that it usually requires a good deal of effort to develop relationship across cultures, from which business opportunity may emerge to forge collaboration between two parties who might otherwise not know that they could benefit from their mutual interest. After that, it requires even deeper and greater commitment to set up structure and operations beyond the initial launch. Only through persistent effort and being unafraid to take risks, can international collaboration sustain itself over time.
When the physical constraints (e.g., far distance) are clearly barriers for parties to find each other and work together, an international advancement agent plays an important role in bringing two parties into one network. In the midst of many unknowns, the agent’s character and strong willingness has to make up for any deficiencies.
Regardless of the nature and size of the global collaboration, there are several key ingredients that all successful international initiatives have in common—the need to be flexible, mobile, and adaptable. A good agent has to help two parties’ bridge gaps, develop strong relationships, add value in the process, and look for access points that may spark collaboration and possible future benefits.
IESC’s goal is to work with clients to move their international outreach forward. In this capacity, IESC is proud of its role as an international advancement agent. We are trusted consultants who put client’s needs first, representing their interests by providing fair and balanced perspectives with sound advice. To put it simply, IESC makes things happen on the global scale!
Our international advancement work is tailored to our customer’s specific needs, whether it is helping to find the right partner to offer a degree program or creating initiatives that bring benefits for institutional engagement in international education.
IESC is strategically positioned for its flexibility, mobility and accessibility for its clients anywhere anytime. In addition, our relational- rather than task-oriented approach has made IESC a successful international agent who can bring people across industries and diverse cultural backgrounds together; helping them to work well with each other.